Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Day XX
Sunday was definitely a day of relaxation. We were all pretty tired from the night before. The previous night we went to the Seine River and had a picnic. It was dark so we got to see all the amazing builds lite up. After the picnic we went to the bar and stayed there for the majority of the night. So you can see why i needed a day of just relaxing. Aviva, Francesca and I ended up going back to  Montmartre just to recap on things we didnt have time to look at. We ended up eating lunch at Chez Eugene. It was pretty good! After we went back to our hotel and just hung out. When our friend Alex came back from London we took a walk outside. It was so nice cause it was like that perfect summer weather, not hot..not cold!

This day was the first day of French 5. On the first day of class we found out that we have a midterm in the next  3 days. So our days have consisted with mini adventures and a lot of studying. I personally caught up in doing all my postcards for my friends! I got super cute ones. So to all my friends out there that i adore, you might get a little gift in your mail box 2 weeks from now! 

Today was another chill day. I ate lunch with my AMAZING roommate. She seriously spoils me with her cooking! Some how we both ended up falling asleep. i guess you can call that a roommate nap! lol We woke up to a phone call from Alex saying that we needed to get up. haha. The whole group met up about 3 or so and we went to the place where Napoleons body is currently resting (the pictures below). After that we took the metro and went to a crepe place for dinner. It was sooo good. After eating, some of us went shopping. The store that i went to was having a sell so i bought some cute things that were extremely cheap! After that we all did a little homework then went back to the Seine and had a drink..(pictures will be up soon)! 

some of my purchases

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